Thursday, November 19, 2009

Waterless Urinals

So, here at good'ol Nokia theatre...we are all about Green. And for our fight for the environment, the good guys in public restroom appliances, have installed for us the 'Waterless Urinals'. Now, if any of you have ever seen "Judge Dredd", then you know the scene where Rob Schneider is riding in the recycled food robot saying "...good for the environment, and ok for you!". Apply that quote here, just above the urinal. You see, their theory is that without having to flush down your urine, we can save the planet a whole 40,000 gallons of water a year....great right? Well, when you walk into the restroom and almost pass-out from the wretched smell of stale piss and start to miss the old fashioned 'whale-killing' toilets. Seriously, I don't have to wonder anymore what the castles of old smelt like; I get to live it every day I need to take a pee! :D Hooray for the employees! If they install a waterless toilet-bowl for the stalls...I'm going on strike.