Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Baby is here!
So, our baby girl was born a few days ago on the 6th. It was definitely an adventure getting there though.
As most of you know, I work in downtown Los Angeles at the Staples Center/Nokia Theatre, which is exactly 80 miles or, an hour and a half away from home. Our hospital we were planning on having the baby is in Apple Valley...so that adds another 30 minutes to total drive time from work. So when I get the call at 12:30p that Brittany is going into labor and the doctor is only giving me an hour to get there, I was in a bit of a panic! I called my boss and Jim and let them know that I had to leave like, yesterday, they quickly understood and told me to get the hell outta there. I was driving nearly 95mph the entire way weaving in and out of the carpool lane thinking to myself, if I'm gonna get pulled over, it'll be because of my speeding...not using the carpool". Luckily.....not a cop in site. I was getting phone call after phone call telling me 45 more minutes.....20 more minutes......15 more minutes.....where are you?! I finally made it to the hospital in an hour and ten minutes, parking in the dirt since the lot was full...running like my head was on fire....security literally pushing me through the doors...nurse franticly giving me my outfit....and I made just as they were wheeling her in to give her her spinal and starting the C-section. I literally just made it. Heavenly Father totally had my back on this one.
She was born beautiful and zero complications three weeks early. Her name is Abigail Mae Royer, and we love her so so much!
We are home now as of yesterday and both Britt and the baby are doing fantastic! Britt is healing very quickly, and Abby continues to grow and get more more beautiful.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Waterless Urinals
So, here at good'ol Nokia theatre...we are all about Green. And for our fight for the environment, the good guys in public restroom appliances, have installed for us the 'Waterless Urinals'. Now, if any of you have ever seen "Judge Dredd", then you know the scene where Rob Schneider is riding in the recycled food robot saying "...good for the environment, and ok for you!". Apply that quote here, just above the urinal. You see, their theory is that without having to flush down your urine, we can save the planet a whole 40,000 gallons of water a year....great right? Well, when you walk into the restroom and almost pass-out from the wretched smell of stale piss and ammonia...you start to miss the old fashioned 'whale-killing' toilets. Seriously, I don't have to wonder anymore what the castles of old smelt like; I get to live it every day I need to take a pee! :D Hooray for the employees! If they install a waterless toilet-bowl for the stalls...I'm going on strike.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
World War Z

So I finished the book (audio version i should say) World War Z this morning on my drive to work. Holy crap that was is awesome!
I am a huge zombie fan, so when I heard about this book, I had to get it. I was told that WWZ was set up like a documentery in an alternate universe where a real life zombie outbreak has happened all over the world, claiming millions of lives.
The stories told by the survivors were heartpounding, gut-wrenching, and surprising. Typically, most zombie 'anything' has a bit of cheese involved; a touch of B-movie esque if you will. I found myself completely emersed in this 'historical' tale of what might actualy happen if zombies did exist. I never once thought that a scene was corney, or unrealistic. The political views, the fighting, and the panic were all told in such a realistic way, that this could easily be the best zombie fiction ever.
I just had to share my great excitement about this book. If you love zombies, or hell history, than pick up this book stat! I defintately give it a rockin' 11 out of 10...it's 1 louder. :D
Friday, October 23, 2009
My personal blog
I decided to create a personal blog. I wanted an outlet to give my opinion on media, things, and rant if need be. So I made this...yep. OH, and Brittany and I totally need to update our blog...our bad. We have been so busy with work, baby stuff, and our cruise....our cruise was FUN!!!! That is all. lol :D
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